Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Internet Access for schools

I have become a recent convert to the expansion of Internet use in schools. It is an area I happily gave little thought to in recent years. I have considered myself relatively computer literate and have even used webct to complete a number of my Masters courses.
Recently I began helping others in a Masters program with a course on computer technology and curriculum. What an education! Through this experience I have learned that there is far more that I don't know than I do. Wikis, blogs, moodle, vocaroo, voiceover,movies, etc., etc., etc.
Several of the earlier posts to this site came from a growing understanding that we need to teach our students to live in their world by using the tools that exist in their world. They have a much larger horizon than we have ever had and they need to know how to make sense of it.
These short clips help break the ice when speaking to groups about the importance of using technology, but the issue always seems to be how do we do it and still protectour school systems, our ability to control students' environments and limit their access to undesirable choices.
What is our job? Do we protect kids from all possibilities or do we teach them about positive choices, options and ways to handle some of the hazardous stuff that come their way?
REspond please. I am looking for ways to put this into a proposal to open up school access to effective Internet use for teachers and students.

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