Thursday, July 8, 2010

Time to resurrect this blog

Hi there - I've been very lazy for the past year or so and have forgotten this page.
But .... I love the things I want this page to do for me and with you.
I want:
to share my ideas
to share in your ideas
to share good research
to share interesting ideas
to ask questions
to find answers
to talk over problems
to talk over solutions
My goal:
is to blog at least weekly, preferrably more
to create a circle of communication based on the desire to communicate, not the 'have to' communicate.
I need this space to start to organize some of the really interesting things I find that are great, but not necessary in my place and time at the moment. I do so much related to the job that I tend to file away everything which is not immediately relevant to that job. So I am going to start filing that stuff here. It will be a vast hodgepodge of interesting and hopefully thought provoking stuff that I find as I wend my way through day to day life.
It's not facebook fluff - it's a chance to really talk in sentences and paragraphs a bit longer than the 100 or so characters I share with random chatting there. There I meet and talk to casual acquaintences and familty to keep in touch. Here I want to talk, explore, explain and share with people who are interested in a bit more.
Join Me.

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